Brainteaser 8

What is the maximum number of straight lines you can draw between 9 evenly spaced dots in a 3×3 grid (like the one shown above) without lifting your pencil and without going over any lines? Any line connecting two dots counts as one individual line. Use only horizontal and vertical lines, no diagonals.

When you post your answer here, you cannot just post the number of lines … you must also describe the path your pencil took, using the letters on the diagram. For example, A – B – C – F – I and so on.

Brainteaser 7: What’s the number?

Brainteaser 6: Fill The Gap

What letter replaces the question mark in this sequence. You can’t just guess at a letter of the alphabet … your answer needs to include an explanation of what this sequence of letters means.

So Nisa had a lucky break and guessed that the missing letter of the sequence was Y, but someone ought to be able to easily find out what this sequence means:


Brainteaser 5: Splitzer

Make two five-letter words from the following splitzer.

What are the two words?

Brainteaser 4: Mind The Gap

Which single three-letter word completes all of the following words?

Christmas Eve Brainteaser

If it takes Alicia 3 hours to paint a fence, and it takes Mark 6 hours to complete the same job. How long would it take both of them working together at their normal paces to complete the same job?

Farmer Joe

Farmer Joe was cleaning out his dusty farm shed.  He dragged out an old water container which was full of dirty water and it weighed 5 kilograms.  Joe put something in the container and then it weighed less.  What did he put in the container?

The return of the brainteaser!

Mary’s father has four children; three are named NANA, NENE, and NINI. So what do you think he called the fourth child?

The longest month?


Here is another question for you to think about:

Which is the longest month of the year?

Your answer must include the name of the month and an explanation of why you think it is the right answer.

Another blog baffler


If five thousand, five hundred and five pounds is written as £5,505, how should twelve thousand, twelve hundred and twelve pounds be written?